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- Action List
- Advanced Data Management
- Advanced Intercompany
- Extended Manufacturing Registration
- Four-Eyes Approval
- Global Master
- Item Status
- Material Shortage Calculation
- Webshop Integration
Yes, go to Four-Eyes Approval Setup and navigate to Field Exemptions. Select View System Field Exemptions to see the fields that are excluded from tracking by default.
Yes, you can add fields that should be excluded from tracking in the list of field exemptions. Go to Four-Eyes Approval Setup and navigate to Field Exemptions. Here you can add fields to be exempted from tracking.
No, there are fields which are not tracked and will not imply a record to be blocked. These fields are mainly system fields and changes to these fields will not imply a block. By default, the following field types are not tracked: Binary, Blob, Guid, Media and MediaSet.
In the case another user has made modifications to the same record after you made changes then you can accept all changes on the record, including your own.
The solution solely checks weather the approver is a different user than the last user who made modification to the record.
Yes, all changes are accepted when a blocked record is accepted.
Overview and follow-up
The Action List provides an overview and helps to mature the data base – the right amounts at the right times!
Have webshop sales posted in your ERP system automatically!
With integration between your webshop and your Dynamics NAV or Business Central solution, you can keep track of all your prices and stocked items in one place.
Flexible rights management at the field level that prevents errors
Advanced Data Management is a flexible solution for rights management for both entire tables and specific fields.
A simplified model of calculating available inventory
With a macroanalysis, you are certain there is always focus on bills of material and on what is needed to complete the production.
Full control over items at process level
By defining the status for the individual product, Item Status will automatically control the handling of the inventory at a detailed level.
Subsequent registration of costs on production orders
Extended Manufacturing Registration is a solution for registering lacking consumption on a production order after it has been closed.
Document transactions between companies
Advanced Intercompany is a tool for automating document management between internal and external companies.
Syncronizing master data between companies
Global Master is a tool for synchronizing data between companies. When an organization comprises multiple companies, it may be required to share master data across the organization.
Approval system to prevent against errors and fraud
Four-Eyes Approval is a solution for managing approval of changes. To make changes in central master data tables, it is sometimes necessary to have another person approve the changes.
Four-Eyes Approal is a solution for managing change approval …
The system is set up with rights and processes that ensure that the person making the change is not the same person as the person making the approval.
When companies demand increased security regarding changes in master data tables.
A log containing all changes and approvals is maintained.
If you have further questions, you are always welcome to contact us